


Get the Help You Need to Get 250 + on the USMLE
Need that Score bumped up faster? Want Personalized Plans and Results?

Get one-on-one coaching with SmashUSMLE Tutors

You get one-on-one video conference call with our top USMLE experts how to study for your board exam. They will coach you through the process. We can evaluate what you are doing and help you do it better!
NBME score report analysis
We will help you analyze your NBME score report and develop the right approach to attack your weakness to increase your board score. We can fix whatever is slowing you down from reaching your top score potential.
Get your personalized study plan
We genuinely care about your success on the boards. Your board exams are your gateway to practice medicine in the United States and that’s why we work with you to guide you through the process and to make sure you excel.


Get 1-on-1 Live Zoom Tutoring with SmashUSMLE Tutors to help you accelerate your learning of USMLE concepts to pass your USMLE and boost your scores.

Additional information

USMLE tutoring

10 hours, 20 hours, 40 hours


Step 1, Step 2CK, Step 3


Esther Adedibu, MD, Immanuel Olarinde MD, Jeet Chowdhari, Other